Chuckling, Styx nodded his head. "Well that would make things a little easier, getting extra camping spaces is a pain in the butt."
As the conversation took a little side note to his magic he nodded slowly. "Yeah, not really sure why. One person I asked mentioned something about entropy and about the second law of thermodynamics and a bunch of other stuff I didn't understand. The gist of what he was saying I guess was that as I worked at doing magic, my body heats up with the amount of work I do. Course that doesn't explain how my body can get to such temperatures without cooking itself and the like. But I guess that's why its magic." He shrugged a little. He had read enough that it didn't sound like he had dropped out of high school. But when it came to the math and science part he knew he was a little lacking compared to most people.
Blue's comments about having ways of tracking him that he couldn't fathom made the thief chuckle. It was probably true as he had no clue the extent of her abilities with machines. But he had lived long enough as a thief that most had a problem finding him. Maybe she would and maybe she wouldn't, better her then some of the other people that had come looking for him in the past. But they could cross that bridge when they came to it.
She mentioned how fun and relaxing the evening had been and Solomon smiled softly. "I'm glad." He said in a quiet tone as Blue drifted off into sleep. He lay there for a bit, just watching the inventor as she snuggled against him. Then his eyes turned to the sky and he looked at the stars.
{What am I doing here?} He thought to himself. This woman had a bright future ahead of her. She literally had the ability and talent to change the world. And what did he have? A checkered past and an uncertain future was about all he could see. And anyone close to him would be dragged down into the muck when he didn't step quite fast enough or into the wrong place. And like a number of other times in his life he had leaped before looking where he might land. Really, it might be best if did just disappear and not come back.
{But I had promised then that I would come back, and I have made another promise tonight.} If nothing else, Styx was a man of his word. And he would stay tonight he suppose, it would be a shame to disturb Blue as she seemed to sleep so peacefully. Besides, he had left most of his B&E gear back at his place and unless he woke Blue he didn't think he could get the hatch they had come up open. He didn't even have his rope so he could climb down the outside of the building.
So with his excuses for staying clearly set, Solomon pillowed his own head with his arm and let himself drift off to sleep as well. While it might be a little more difficult, he could sneak out of here in the morning no problem...Probably... Maybe... It could happen....